Friday, November 7, 2008

Week 10

MUDDIEST POINT: I didn't quite understand how to use the minOccurs and maxOccures attributes in element type declaration.

1) David Hawking: I use Google almost everyday so I found this article to be extremely interesting. It was neat to find out how the web search engines work since I rely on them daily. I thought it was funny that one of the sections was entitled 'politeness.' It was something I never would have related to web search engines. I didn't quite understand everything about the algorithms but that its pretty normal for me.

2)Current developments and future trends for the OAI protocol for metadata harvesting: This was my least favorite article. I found it to be incredibly dense and long. I did like the part about the future trends. I think it will be neat to see what the future holds.

3)MICHAEL K. BERGMAN: I thought this article presented the idea of searching the deep web in a very interesting way. I had never heard of BrightPlanet Technology before. The many diagrams helped me to understand the complexities of deep web searching because I didn't quite comprehend all of the text.