Friday, August 29, 2008

Week 2

Moore's Law:
I really enjoyed the video explaining Moore's Law. I thought it made it easier for me to relate to the law. It was an entertaining way to inform people about the ever changing technology. Though after 1o years, how will the technology continue to evolve? How small will our gadgets get? I have enough trouble trying to find my cell phone in my purse as it is now. 

Computer Hardware: 
I found this article to be a good general overview of computers and how they work. After taking a few computer classes in high school and undergrad, I did not learn anything new. But it did get me thinking about hardware in other devices besides my personal computer. 

Computer History Museum:
Through this website, I was able to connect the silicon engine with Moore's Law from our earlier reading. It was interesting to see the pictures of the transistor as it evolved throughout the year. Also, I enjoyed the timeline especially the entries pre-1940. This allowed me to get a better understanding of how the computer came to be. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you that the video helped me to decode what was said in the "Moore's Law" entry. I am not necessarily a visual person, but having someone speak it to me and use examples like the BMW seemed to help. I also wondered what would happen after the 10-year point that she offered.

It is an interesting concept and explains why things continue to get smaller and more compact.