Friday, September 19, 2008

Week 5

Muddiest Point: I'm still not completely understanding the different high level languages.

Articles 1 & 2: I did not know much about data compressing so they articles gave me a lot of new material to learn and digest. I found the theory behind data compressing to be very interesting. I am beginning to better understand how my computer and other devices work now. 

Article 3: I think this is a great idea. It allows resources to be combined and more people can gain access to the online collections. Also, the collections will be better preserved and around for future generations to see. The project allows for easier research which is always a positive. I like the freedom granted to the users. It was interesting to see how they resolved the problems with the site.

Article 4: I like YouTube. It is a great website with many different uses. It can be used for personal reasons like sharing with relatives who live far away or for professional tasks. During my undergrad, I had a professor assign a presentation in which we were encouraged to use YouTube. I was able to find some great WWII era training videos to share with my class. 

Monday, September 15, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008

Week 4

Database: Its amazing to think since the 1960s how databases have changed and developed. They've gone from punch cards and magnetic tape to computers. They are extremely helpful for any career field. It makes sense that the database needs to do only one action at a time. This helps keep the information as current as possible. In relation to the replication of databases, I found it interesting that the terms master/slave were used. 
Introduction to Metadata, pathways to Digital Information: 1: Setting the Stage: 
I really like this article. It was one of the first IT articles that I felt applied to Library and Information Science. The developments with Metadata have helped advance and change the archives profession. It has helped place more importance on the records about the objects and not just the physical objects themselves. 
3) Eric J. Miller. An Overview of the Dublin Core Data Model:
(I could not get this article to open. I will update later once I'm able to access the article.)

Muddiest Point: I didn't quite grasp the different Graphical User Interface (GUI)?

Friday, September 5, 2008

Week 3

I've only heard of Linux but never used it. The pros and cons list was a nice summary to an article to an interesting article. I thought it was good point that if Linux wasn't safe than why was it still being used by so many.
Mac OS X:
I found this article to be extremely pertinent. I recently just switch to a Mac from a PC and this allowed to better understand my computer. So far it has been easy to adapt to the Mac and I like all the new features I've been exposed to. It has run much more smoothy than Windows and I don't find the computer freezing as much.
I find it telling that Microsoft has extended the support for XP. It shows that they are willing to listen to their customers and respond accordingly. However, it seems troubling for Vista that so many people are unwilling to switch over. Maybe Microsoft released Vista too early to counter Mac OS X growing popularity. It may have been better to work out all the bugs and problems before they released it to the public.